About the Mission.

The Pretty Mission is in it's beginning stages of becoming a national non-profit organization. It's goal is to promote positive body image for girls ages 4 to 14.

I came up with the idea because of being involved in many girl's lives. I have befriended many girls on Instagram that know me as Miss Jordan, and I see a trend of girls posting things like "rate my beauty" or "rate my friend", with different letters or numbers representing being "hideous, ugly, ehh, okay, good, hot, beautiful, perfect". After posting this, their friends comment with whatever letter or number that represents what they see.

Being in recovery myself from an eating disorder, I look at these and it breaks my heart to think any of those negative words are options. Why don't they post things like, "beautiful, pretty, funny, gorgeous, perfect, inspirational"?

I have looked into organizations for promoting positive body image for these girls and found NOTHING! No wonder! I am determined to make some kind of difference with this, I want no girl to walk the steps I did at that age!

I am looking for pictures of girls, dressed in whatever they feel most confident in. It could be a tiara and tutu or combat boots and cameo! I want to know what makes them feel their prettiest! Along with the pictures, I want the answer to these questions, no matter what age:

"What makes you feel pretty?"

"How do you know other people are pretty?"

"What is your favorite outfit and why?"

"What is something you love about yourself?"

The idea is to show that no one is the same, everyone is unique, and everyone is beautiful and to create a community where girls can get involved to help change this negative girl talk.

If you and your daughter(s) want to participate, please fill out the contact form with their their answers to these questions and their picture!


"I feel pretty when I wear a party dress, I think other people are pretty when they have a big smile and never get mad. My favorite outfit is my pink dress because it twirls when I spin. I love that I am nice and helpful to everyone." - Isabella, age 8. 


"My style makes me feel pretty. I think others loyalty and positive energy make them pretty. My favorite outfits are t-shirts and jeans. I love that I'm confident to 'do my own thing'." - Caroline, age 12. 


"I feel pretty when I'm dancing. Other people are pretty when they are kind. My favorite outfits are my dance clothes. I love my personality." - Kelsey, age 13. 


"I feel pretty because I'm me. Being nice and friendly make other people pretty. My favorite outfit is my dolphin shirt and shorts. I love than I am a good athlete." - Megan, age 10.


"I feel pretty when my hair is down and wavy. I know other people are pretty by their friendly smiles. My favorite outfit is my dance clothes. I love when I dance and it makes me feel pretty." - Isa, age 7.


"Putting make up on and going to school with all my friends and loving daddy and mommy make me feel pretty. I know other people are pretty when people are nice to me and color and play with me. My favorite outfit is gymnatics clothes, and shorts. When I look in the mirror I look pretty. I love helping my friends."- Calista, age 5.


"My smile makes me feel pretty! I know others are pretty by what they look like and dress like. My favorite outfit is my blue dress, sparkly shoes, pink earrings and a big white flower! I love my hair because I like to do stuff with it." - Adrianna, age 6.


"I feel pretty when I get dressed up and straighten my hair. I know others are pretty if they are nice and have a good personality. My favorite outfit is jeans, sweater and boots. I think I am smart." - Gianna, age 12.


"My hair makes me feel pretty. I know others are pretty by their personality. My favorite outfit are shorts and a tee shirt. I love that I am good at a lot of sports." - Gabriella, age 11.


"My freckles on my face always make me feel pretty. Others are pretty if they are just being themselves. My favorite outfit is what I am wearing in my picture, shorts and a tank! I love my long legs." - Isabella, age 9. 


"I feel very pretty in my outfit.  I like when I wear a clip in my hair.  I really like the rhinestones on my sweater.  I look really, really, really pretty.   I feel really pretty when people draw pictures of me in my outfit. I know others are pretty because I really like their clothing and I say I really like that sweater.  You could say I really like your hair. My favorite outfit is this red really long dress with fabric and it has ribbon and bows on it.  I wore it last year for Christmas. I like to dance in my pretty new outfit.  I love my schoolwork.  I like to play." - Giuliana, age 5.


"I feel pretty when I wear my hair in a bun, or when I wear something nice. I also feel pretty when I wear my dance costumes. I know other people are pretty when the person is nice to people and when I think person is someone who can inspire me or make me push myself harder than I would be able to. My favorite outfit would be a top with jeans boots, my hair in a bun, with a scarf. I love that I am nice to everyone and that I don’t judge people by their looks, or friends, or clothes." - Gabriella, age 11. 


"I feel pretty when my hair looks good. Others look pretty by their clothes. My favorite outfit is my crop top sweaters with jeans and boots." -Christine, age 12


"I feel pretty when I am excited and happy! I know others are pretty because everyone is pretty in their own way. My favorite outfit is jeggings and a sweat shirt. I love my smile!" - Emily, age 9.


"I feel pretty when I am comfortable. I know others are pretty when they look confident. My favorite outfit is my black sweater and jeans. I love my eyes!" - Madison, age 12.

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